female entrepreneur tired looking

9 Work-Life Balance Tips for Solo Entrepreneurs


In today’s fast-paced world, striking the right work-life balance is an essential aspect of personal well-being and entrepreneurial success.

However, managing this balance poses a significant challenge due to the dynamic nature of the entrepreneurial environment.

This article provides a comprehensive guide featuring nine tips to help solo entrepreneurs achieve a healthy work-life balance. The tips we’ll explore include:

  • Setting a reasonable work schedule
  • Incorporating regular breaks in your workday
  • The art of saying ‘No’ to excessive work
  • Allocating time for fun and non-work activities
  • The benefits of creating a daily to-do list
  • Drawing a line between work and personal life
  • Making time for personal care and hobbies
  • Focusing on tasks relevant to your goals
  • Embracing the benefits of outsourcing

Work-Life Balance Statistics

United States is ranking 29th out of 41 countries in terms of work-life balance according to OECD.

This poor ranking is attributed to long work hours, with 11.4% of American workers putting in more than 50 hours per week. This overwork, driven by the need to succeed, comes with significant health risks.

Long work hours contribute to chronic stress, fatigue, and other health issues.

Sleep loss, heart disease, and obesity can also be linked to prolonged work hours.

Tip 1: Leave Work at a Reasonable Hour

woman hand stop

The Health Risks of Overworking

The risks associated with long work hours cannot be overstated. According to WHO, working more than 55 hours per week increases the risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

The same study also linked overworking to an array of health issues, including sleep loss and obesity.

Setting a Reasonable Work Schedule

The need to succeed often drives solo entrepreneurs to clock in excessive work hours. While it’s essential to commit to your business, your health, and well-being are equally critical.

It’s important to find out how many hours you can work without damaging your health.

A typical 40-hour work week is a good starting point.

By maintaining a reasonable schedule, you not only enhance your productivity but also free up time to enjoy life outside work.

Tip 2: Take Breaks During Work

woman stretching at desk

The power of regular breaks cannot be underestimated when striving for work-life balance. The Fair Labor Standards Act supports the notion of short breaks, reinforcing their positive impact on productivity and creativity.

Activities such as taking a walk, practicing mindfulness, or even doing a bit of stretching can be excellent ways to use these breaks. Breaks provide an opportunity to rest your mind, renew focus, and can also improve your engagement and enjoyment in work.

Tip 3: Just Say ‘No’ to Excessive Work

As an entrepreneur, you’re likely to face situations where the workload becomes overwhelming. This is where the power of saying ‘No’ to tasks that ate not high-impact tasks comes in.

If certain clients or projects cause more stress and drain your energy, it may be worth reconsidering their place in your business.

It’s vital to manage client expectations, informing them politely when you are unavailable or need to focus on other tasks.

Remember, saying ‘No’ can be an essential tool in maintaining your work-life balance.

Tip 4: Schedule Time for Fun

man kite sailing fun

Allocating time for non-work activities is an integral part of achieving a balanced life. If it’s spending time with friends and family, a hobby, or simply taking a break, these activities can help you relax and recharge.

Incorporate regular leisure activities into your schedule, just like you would with work-related tasks. Regular vacations or days off can also provide a refreshing change of pace, rekindling your energy for when you return to work.

Tip 5: Create a To-Do List

In the fast-paced entrepreneurial world, to-do lists can be your best friend. They help you organize your tasks, allowing you to prioritize and focus.

By listing your tasks, you prevent work overflow into the next day or week, helping you maintain a healthier work-life balance.

To-do lists also discourage multitasking, forcing you to concentrate on one task at a time.

Tip 6: Leave Work at Work

A key to maintaining a balanced life as an entrepreneur is to draw a clear line between work and personal life.

It’s important to resist the temptation to engage in work-related activities outside of your work hours. This can be hard but is smart in the long run.

This means refraining from answering non-critical work emails or continuing with work projects once your workday has ended. A physical boundary, such as a designated workspace, can also help reinforce this separation.

Tip 7: Make Time for Yourself, Not Just Family

woman listening to music on yoga mat

It’s easy to lose yourself in work and family obligations, often at the expense of your well-being. Studies show that American adults spend only about four hours per week on leisure and sports activities. This indicates a stark need for more ‘me’ time.

Prioritizing self-care, pursuing hobbies, and engaging in activities that improve physical and mental health is vital to maintaining a balanced life.

Tip 8: Don’t Waste Time on Tasks That Aren’t Relevant to Your Objectives

Being an entrepreneur means wearing many hats. However, not every task demands your direct involvement. It’s critical to recognize that time is a limited resource and it should be invested wisely. Each moment dedicated to activities that are not contributing to your overall objectives is time wasted.

Start by identifying tasks that consume a large chunk of your time but do not necessarily drive your business forward. These tasks could range from administrative duties like filing paperwork to spending excessive time on social media or networking events that don’t yield any real benefits.

Once you’ve identified these time-drainers, the next step is elimination or delegation. Can the task be removed entirely? If not, can it be simplified? Or perhaps it can be outsourced or delegated to a team member?

This does not mean that every minute should be spent on hard, focused work. Breaks, relaxation, and time spent on personal growth are all vital aspects of a well-rounded life. However, these should be deliberate choices, not a result of distraction or procrastination.

Performing a regular calendar review can help you in this task. Monitor where your time is going and how much of it is contributing to achieving your goals. This process can be eye-opening and empowering, leading you to better control your time and ultimately helping you achieve a healthier work-life balance.

The key to success as an entrepreneur is not doing more, but prioritizing what truly matters.

Tip 9: Outsourcing is an Option


Entrepreneurs often find themselves burdened by tasks that are critical to their business operations but are not necessarily within their area of expertise.

These tasks might include bookkeeping, web development, and customer support, among others.

Attempting to do everything yourself not only leads to burnout but also prevents you from focusing on the areas where you can add the most value.

This is where outsourcing becomes an effective strategy. By assigning certain tasks to competent freelancers or agencies, you can lighten your workload while maintaining productivity. This is especially beneficial in high-pressure sectors where there is a constant influx of tasks.

Outsourcing may seem like an additional expense, but it’s an investment that often results in saved time, reduced stress, and improved work quality.

Moreover, it allows you to focus on the bigger picture—growing your business.

Keep in mind that not all tasks are suitable for outsourcing. Core business activities that require your personal touch, or tasks where you have a distinct competitive advantage, are usually best kept in-house.

Remember, maintaining a healthy work-life balance sometimes means knowing when to let go and trust others with parts of your business operations.


The entrepreneurial journey is challenging and often demanding, making work-life balance a critical aspect of success.

By following these nine tips, solo entrepreneurs can navigate their way to a healthier, more satisfying, and ultimately more successful business life.

Finding the right balance might not be easy.

For more insight on time management and maintaining a balanced life as an entrepreneur, check out the following articles:

Remember, the quest for work-life balance is not a destination, but a journey of continuous self-improvement and adaptation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you have a work-life balance as an entrepreneur?

Yes, you can have a work-life balance as an entrepreneur. It’s all about setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, and managing time effectively. While entrepreneurship often requires longer hours, especially during the startup phase, it also offers flexibility that can aid in balancing work and personal responsibilities.

How do entrepreneurs maintain a work-life balance?

Entrepreneurs maintain work-life balance by setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities, taking regular breaks, and allocating time for non-work activities. Practicing self-care and maintaining healthy relationships outside work also play a significant role.

How do you balance work and entrepreneurship?

Work and entrepreneurship can be balanced by setting a regular work schedule, avoiding over-commitment, outsourcing tasks, and using productivity tools. Also, ensuring adequate time for relaxation and pursuing hobbies can help maintain this balance.

How do solo entrepreneurs manage time?

Solo entrepreneurs manage time by creating a structured daily plan, setting realistic goals, prioritizing tasks, and minimizing distractions. They also leverage digital tools and technologies for better time management.

What are 3 ways to improve work-life balance?

  • Prioritize tasks: Focus on tasks that align with your goals and delegate or eliminate unnecessary tasks.
  • Set boundaries: Separate work and personal time and stick to these boundaries.
  • Take care of your health: Engage in regular exercise, maintain a healthy diet, and ensure adequate sleep.

Can you be a lazy entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur requires initiative, drive, and hard work. That said, it’s crucial to distinguish between being “lazy” and needing time to rest and recharge. Entrepreneurs must allow for downtime to prevent burnout and maintain productivity.

Do entrepreneurs work harder?

Entrepreneurs often work harder, especially in the early stages of their businesses. However, successful entrepreneurs understand the value of working smarter, not just harder, and finding a balance that sustains their personal well-being and their business.

Why do entrepreneurs need to balance work and play?

Balancing work and play prevents burnout, enhances creativity, and contributes to overall well-being. It also helps maintain relationships outside work, which is crucial for personal fulfillment and mental health.

How do you balance personal and professional?

Balancing personal and professional life involves setting boundaries, scheduling time for non-work activities, avoiding work during personal time, and managing stress effectively.

Why is balance important in entrepreneurship?

Balance is important in entrepreneurship because it leads to improved productivity, creativity, and decision-making. It also reduces the risk of burnout and promotes better physical and mental health.

How do you balance work and creativity?

Balancing work and creativity can be achieved by allocating specific time for brainstorming and creative activities, taking regular breaks, creating a stimulating work environment, and seeking inspiration outside of work.

What causes poor work-life balance?

Poor work-life balance can be caused by long working hours, excessive workload, inability to delegate, lack of control over work schedule, and difficulty separating work from personal life.

How do you balance private and business time?

Balancing private and business time can be achieved by setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, adhering to a structured schedule, and ensuring quality time is spent on personal activities and relationships.

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